THANK YOU for considering a donation to Washoe Patriots. We are a team of volunteers who love our country just like you and want to see it return to Greatness. 

BUT, like everyone else we cannot accomplish our goals without cost. PLEASE support our efforts with whatever you can afford. 

Join our team on Thursday nights and donate a little cash or make a check to “Alt 1” while you’re there.

ANY SMALL AMOUNT IS LARGE, from Patriot to Patriots, a Call to Action! Donate through Venmo, Zelle, or Cash App here.
We are currently in need of $500 for the 100 No on 3 yard signs (see on our Home page) and “H” sign posts.


Donating Opportunities

Venmo – @stnick007 or use the QR code

ZELLE Nicholas St Jon
[email protected]

Zelle – NV State Bank Acct

Cash App

Checks – Make out to “Alt 1” and/or mail to 245 Hillcrest Dr. #7, Reno, NV 89509-3704

Cash – still good here, like who knew?
