There are Patriots across this great country who are actively promoting activities to educate and train other Patriots on lawsuits, how to reopen businesses lawfully and Constitutionally, teaching people about their Constitutional Rights that NO Plandemic can take away from them. We’ll continue to add sites as we are made aware of them so that you can easily connect with people across the country.
The Healthy American – Peggy Hall
Peggy has been a trail blazer and pioneer in educating businesses how to “Stay Open” as well as teaching us about our individual rights. She has tons of videos, documents, newsletters which we encourage everyone to get on her list, subscribe to her YT channel, and watch her videos.
Make Americans Free Again – Pam Popper
Pam owns and runs a company in Columbus, Ohio. She has been on the forefront of bringing unConstitutional state of emergency abuse against the governors of first Ohio and now New Mexico. Attorney Tom Renz is working with Pam on these cases and has provided all their briefs to help other states bring suits against their governors as well.
Covid-19 Nevada Strong – Joey Gilbert
Attorney Joey Gilbert has been on the front lines fighting for our freedoms very early on when he sued Gov. Sisolak for keeping doctors like Dr. Bruce Fong of the Sierra Integrative Medical Group from prescribing Hydroxichloraquine for patients infected with SARS-CoV2. Joey’s law firm is also doing work to help businesses that have been threatened, cited, or fined by OSHA fight back and get out from under the heavy and very often illegal hand of that organization.America’s Frontline Doctors
This is a group of doctors spearheaded by Dr. Simone Gold MD JD. She has had a group of doctors in Washington DC first on July 27th which got censored by social media so a second meeting took place on October 17th last year.Go to their website for the October 17th Informational meeting where they speak to America and watch this video. It’s the most informative 36 minutes and 41 seconds you can watch.
Dr. Gold covers the dangers and myths of masks and that early treatment of those infected with the SARS-Cov2 virus is very effective.
Debunking the PCR case counts and how “cases” and “people infected” are two completely different things. Every time you get tested and it comes back positive it’s counted as another case, even if its the same person. This inflates the numbers to keep the public in fear.
Constitutional Law Group
The Constitutional Law Group is a nationwide network of Constitutional Lawyers that are masters in the knowledge of the Constitution that defend The People of the United States of America, safeguarding their Unalienable Rights from the trespasses of government.
Many of the documents we handed out at our first meeting came from this group. They are a very valuable resource. Click the link below and go to the “Resources” page.
They have outlined very specific steps if you have been discriminated against to file a complaint, then further action and preparing for a lawsuit that they can help you with.
Rational Ground
Rational Ground is an extremely valuable resource with studies, charts, graphs and the “A Rational Path Forward” 10 steps they outlined to reopen businesses and counties just like Washoe that we will be utilizing in all of our meetings for public comment. Familiarize yourself with their resources at