Our Mission:


We Educate The Public and Businesses To Take Action

NEXT MEETING Thursday July 18th.
July 18th 6:30-8pm,
come early for tacos at 6pm
3820 Wagoneer Dr. SE corner of the airport

We’ve gotten signs to counter Queen Tyrant Hill and rebar to stake them right in front of Tyrant Hill’s signs directing them to a new website/video showing how crazy and off the rails she can be. Pls donate to offset some of these costs.


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Next : Washoe Patriots in-person meeting –
Thursday July 18th 6:30-8pm
Reno southeast of the airport
Going to 1st & 3rd Thursdays

Candidates now have at their fingertips STATISTICS! With the proper statistics, candidates can refine and focus their time, energy, manpower and money down to the street level. https://wedothat.us/campaigns/

Dropped off documents for the No Oaths and that Andriola has NO BOND to the Govenor’s office, Lt Gov, and Attorney General’s office. Garrett who worked at the State Party office now works for the Lt Gov and looked into the bond issue. Eventually our buddy Heather Carmen, formerly “acting” ROV here in Reno now works for the SoS responded with legal advice stating that Andriola does not require a bond because the Parks and Recreations committee commissioners don’t require one! So Heather is practicing law without a license and she apparently doesn’t know how to read because NRS 244.3071 is for Parks & Recreation commission NOT for “Board” of county commissioners. Eventually we’ll actually run into someone in guberment that has at least 5 brain cells that are connected, that day is not today. At least they’ve promoted her to her highest level of incompetence.

2023 Washoe Patriots meetings will also include about 30-45 minutes of prepping for survival. No matter how bad it gets, TOGETHER we can all get through it if we are prepared.

Next Washoe Patriots meeting – Washoe Patriots in-person meeting – July 18th, 6:30pm

Catch all the updates on Rumble.com Washoe Patriots Channel

The Reasonable
Doubt Report

November 20, 2023 – Update on Reasonable Doubt case filed with the Washoe County Sheriff’s office, case 22-5105. 13 months after filing the case, we finally tracked down on the desk of Deputy Secretary of Elections Mark Wlaschin. He told us that “their” experts had reviewed the document and “obviously” came to a different conclusion than we had come to. Well, duh, we couldn’t really have the Secretary of Elections agreeing that the machines are switching votes now could we?
I demanded the names, qualifications and statistical methods they used to come to that conclusion and got an email that simply said we did not present “enough/substantial” evidence and true to form of course there were NO definitions as to what “substantial” would be. They were kind enough to allow us to submit it when we have it, how sweet!
Not sure what our next steps are so stay tuned.

Click the image to the left to download the whole report.

Election Integrity w/Nicholas St Jon

The Provisional Ballots investigation was thwarted by the former Internal Auditor Samantha Turner. She presented “her” findings at a Review Committee meeting but didn’t give me the opportunity to correct her findings. She was then moved to another position and our followup with 26 supporters at that Review mtg did not get even one more question answered. Then the “investigation” was illegally closed without so much as a discussion or vote by the Commissioners.


Blatant violation of our 4th Amendment and the NV Constitution Article 1 Section 18 rights, discrimination “just” at the Chamber doors ONLY during BCC meetings.

Watch Nicholas stand hard against these egregious violations! Some are saying it’s a waste of time and it’s not that bad. My question is when then is enough, till we wait for ALL of our Constitutional Rights to be taken away? Is that when we should start pushing back???

#BiteMe is

Afghanistan Fiasco Is NOT Incompetence – It Is By Design

Border Crisis Is NOT Incompetence –
It Is By Design

Economic Crisis Is NOT Incompetence –
It Is By Design

Action NOW! … Time Is Running Short!


Want To Help? JOIN Patriots in CAN’T CENSOR THE SIDEWALK Campaign

Contact us here


Interviewed on UnRestricted Truth show with James Grundvig and Josh Reid.
https://rumble.com/v2483bq-covid-information-war-with-nicholas-st.-john-and-josh-reid-unrestricted-tru.html interview starts at 27:38

Interview on America Happens’ Blood Money podcast with Vem Miller and Travis Ebarb.
Blood Money Episode 27 with Nicholas St Jon “I found election fraud and my government ignored me” (rumble.com)

Want To Help? Time to Clean up the Election Rolls! Let’s do it. Contact us here….

Breaking Action Alert

Visit Our Calendar For Information On Important Events


Washoe Patriots is a NON-VIOLENCE Strategy based Organization formed to use All Peaceful Means Available to the Citizens of This County to Restore and Reclaim our God-Given Rights and Freedoms

Sign 2A Sanctuary County Petition

Washoe Patriots in-person meeting – July 18th.

Let’s talk about it!

WASHOE PATRIOTS Prepping Meeting!
Washoe Patriots in-person meeting –
Thursday July 18th 6:30-8pm
1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month,
next meeting will be July 18th.


Are you ready to UNSICK YOURSELF?
Look at “The Immunity Crisis in America” by Nicholas St Jon


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