December 3, 2022 – Saturday

Washoe Patriots Christmas Party.
The Party was a TREMENDOUS success, 22 people signed up to bring food (it was a feast) with 35 people showing up and having a great time. As is indicative of the Washoe Patriots, everyone pitched in with food, tables, chairs, drinks, and stories.
We were blessed by Lisa DeHart who lead us in the singing of our National Anthem.
Thanks to Keith for providing our meeting place and the above and beyond decorations by his wife Sandee.


I gave a brief recap of some of the many activities that the Washoe Patriots lead the way here in our county, everything from going to County Commission meetings, to fighting the unlawful metal detector, to our Can’t Censor the Sidewalk Campaigns and the Candidate Corners that reached somewhere between 60,000 – 70,000 people before the election.
Congratulations to Mike Clark getting elected to the County Commission and Colleen Westlake to the Washoe County Board of Trustees.



This is far from over and while it feels like things are almost back to “normal” we are still in a fight for the freedoms, liberty and soul of our nation.

Nicholas has been accepted as an Area Administrator for the People’s Rights as we kick off 2023 gearing up for the unknown such as food shortages, ammo shortages, power outages, etc. We are all in this together and the better prepared we ALL are the better chances of survival. More on this after the new year.
Start stockpiling food, buy extra cans of soup, rice, beans, water, candles, ammo, etc. which all of this is generally a good idea anyway, but it’s better to be prepared and not need it than to be thrust into a horrible time and not be prepared.
I’d like to say thank you to all the Washoe Patriots. While it may not appear that we accomplished much, we in fact did have many small victories as we stood tall and strong against the tyrannical government.
It is an honor to lead and be associated with such dynamic people, with the perseverance that says to those we have elected that we will not back down and will continue to fight for our God-given rights!
Merry Christmas!


April 9, 2022 – Saturday

Our next Washoe Patriots meeting is April 16th 5pm at Glory Cloud Coffee located at 10 Greg St Unit #122, look for the US Flag outside the door.


If you’ve had to go through the metal detector and subjected to an illegal search going into the WC Commissioner’s meeting, please sign the petition Remove Metal Detector Petition



This is far from over and while it feels like things are almost back to “normal” we are still under the Gov. Sissypant’s “State of Emergency” and by the stroke of a pen he can lock us ALL down again.

Start stockpiling food, buy extra cans of soup, water, candles, ammo, etc. which all of this is generally a good idea anyway, but it’s better to be prepared and not need it than to be thrust into a horrible time and not be prepared.


Our next Can’t Sensor the SideWalk campaign will be April 23rd. 

To say I was disappointed in that just 4 people showed up is a vast under statement.

I’m not discounting legitimate reasons, but make no mistake, if we do not make getting these messages out a priority, under a socialist tyrannical dictatorship you will not be able to virtually ANYTHING you are currently doing that is taken as a given and right to do today.

Theirs is only one goal, to remove ALL of our freedoms from us and to be complacent is the easiest way to do that. Commit to getting these messages out to the sleeping public and let’s “Wake the woke” before it’s too late, and without our activism, one day it will be too late!



The next County Commissioners meeting is Tuesday April 12th at 10 am. I will be challenging the metal detector so if it’s not removed by then expect fireworks and I will be calling 911 and filing criminal complaints in reference to our 4th Amendment violations. We will also be pressing to get rid of the electronic voting machines.


I’ve miraculously been put onto the Washoe County GOP Central Committee and will be submitting my application to be on the Executive Committee to hopefully be voted in at the April 25th CC meeting.

If you are not on the Central Committee, please put in an application to do so, there are still over 1,500 open seats so plenty of room. CC Application form

===============================================Finally, get our WP cards to hand out and invite people to join us, we are currently at about 600 people which is a very good start, but we really need 6,000 people to be a force to be reckoned with.


The Alt1 Private Health Association has plenty of supplies, Ivan, HCQ, Chlorine Dioxide Solution and antibiotics, so let me know what you need and be sure to get signed up to be a member of the Alt1 PHA 
See you next Saturday April 16th 5 pm!

March 4, 2022 – Friday

  1. First – We are making a difference.
  2. Next Washoe Patriots meeting is this coming Saturday, March 5th at Coach’s #2 Grill & Sports Bar 4050 S McCarran Blvd, 5pm Saturday evening, bring a friend or family member, I have a lot to go over.
  3. We are now a part of 2 national Election Integrity organizations for our work on voter rolls and potential identification of election fraud and maladministration. We have been given a spot on Frank Speech so look for that shortly and working with a nationally recognized database analyst. Will be doing a boots on the ground canvas in Storey county soon to get our feet wet and then full speed ahead with both Washoe and Clark counties.
  4. Robert Beadles submitted a resolution of 20 items that need to be adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on Feb 8th where over 200 people flooded the chambers of the BCC for support. The resolution as pulled on Monday night just hours before it was to be discussed on Feb 22nd. We’ve demanded they put it back on the agenda.
  5. Nicholas served Bob Lucey and Vaughn Hartung with a letter of Notice of Intent to File a Claim against their bonds on Feb 8th. The Board of County Commissioners meeting was recessed because he had 7 minutes worth of information to give to the Commissioners and they would not allow more than 3. Video will be forth coming.
  6. Sunday January 23rd 1-3 rally saw over 25 patriots come out with signs at the Sparks Marina, we handed out almost 100 cards and got our messages out.
  7. We still Ivan to account for about 3,000 units and 15k more are ordered, along with 1,000 HCQ, antibiotics, and steroids. We now have on hand 4,000,000 mg of Sodium Ascorbate/Vitamin C powder to be ready for any Hemorrhagic bioweapon along with Chlorine Dioxide Solution.
  8. The Alt1 Private Health Association is officially a Private Health Association as of January 28, 2022. I’ve paid $1,500 of the cost to set up the association, some donations have come in to help with that cost but could use a bit more.
  9. Several have asked about my video recording glasses I use to record interactions with officials and businesses as well as where can people get the 2 part kit for ClO2. I have revived my affiliate link on Amazon and you can now get either of these 2 items at and Yes I do get an affiliate commission which helps run the WP organization.
  10. WARNING: Do Not buy into the lull that things are getting back to normal. They are not and in 2022 things are going to get worse. This will not end until WE end it.
  11. Apple store in Reno refused service based on discrimination due to religious reasons. I have the Notice of Discrimination and working on the Affidavit I’ll be filing with the courts. See this knucklehead as he tries to explain why Apple has the right to discriminate against us.
  12. The Peg’s Affidavit is ready and will be filed next week from the discrimination incident of December 12, 2021 and we’re working on the Affidavit against Texas Roadhouse from the December 18th incident for my birthday party.
  13. At the March 5th meeting I will be discussing the Marburg and Ebola potential Hemorrhagic bioweapons and how you can protect yourself.

January 16, 2022 – Sunday

  1. First – Happy New Year! The Washoe Patriots are gonna make 2022 the best year yet.
  2. Next Washoe Patriots meeting is this coming Saturday, Jan 22nd at Glory Cloud Coffee located at 10 Greg St Suite 122, 5pm Saturday evening, bring a friend or family member, I have a lot to go over.
  3. NV Board of Health/Health and Human Services met last Friday to approve a letter to the NV AG, Governor and BOH to try and ram mandated vaccines through onto the students. It passed with a 9-4 vote to ask the others to mandate the vax. Time to start filing Criminal Complaints for violating federal law.
  4. Sunday January 23rd 1-3 will be a Worldwide Rally in Sparks at the Marina to protest continued overreach and stand up for freedom. Watch for flyer on all our Social Media groups and our home page.
  5. We’ve asked Ivan to send 12,000 more units.
  6. We have the paperwork mostly done for the Alt1 Private Health Association that will protect us when helping others get over COVID. I’ve personally funded much of it ($900) but could use a few more donations to help finish it off to make sure me and all the Washoe Patriots helping others are kept safe.
  7. Several have asked about my video recording glasses I use to record interactions with officials and businesses as well as where can people get the 2 part kit for ClO2. I have revived my affiliate link on Amazon and you can now get either of these 2 items at and Yes I do get an affiliate commission which helps run the WP organization.
  8. WARNING: Do Not buy into the lull that things are getting back to normal. They are not and in 2022 things are going to get worse. This will not end until WE end it.
  9. We are developing a new strategy to stand up for our Rights that will be explained in detail at the next meeting. You WILL NOT want to miss this. It puts all the leverage into our hands and everyone who has been discriminated against, had security called on them or the police or sheriff, all that changes in 2022, we are be going to be pro-active.
  10. My letter of Notice of Maladministration is just about complete and will be paving the way for all discrimination Small Claims court lawsuits. Notifying the Washoe County Courts of violations and then to the small businesses that think they are above the US or NV Constitutions with a Demand for monetary damages for each instance.

December 28, 2021 – Tuesday

  1. Next Washoe Patriots meeting is this coming Saturday, Jan 8th at Glory Cloud Coffee located at 10 Greg St Suite 122, 5pm Saturday evening, bring a friend or family member, I have a lot to go over.
  2. NV Board of Health/Health and Human Services meeting scheduled for 1pm Dec 28th is officially CANCELLED and verified as such ( It is being rescheduled for Jan 12, 2022.
  3. Several have asked about my video recording glasses I use to record interactions with officials and businesses as well as where can people get the 2 part kit for ClO2. I have revived my affiliate link on Amazon and you can now get either of these 2 items at and Yes I do get an affiliate commission which helps run the WP organization.
  4. WARNING: Do Not buy into the lull that things are getting back to normal. They are not and in 2022 things are going to get worse. This will not end until WE end it.
  5. We are developing a new strategy to stand up for our Rights that will be explained in detail at the next meeting. You WILL NOT want to miss this. It puts all the leverage into our hands and everyone who has been discriminated against, had security called on them or the police or sheriff, all that changes in 2022, we are be going to be pro-active.
  6. My letter of Notice of Maladministration is just about complete and will be paving the way for all discrimination Small Claims court lawsuits. Notifying the Washoe County Courts of violations and then to the small businesses that think they are above the US or NV Constitutions with a Demand for monetary damages for each instance.

December 09, 2021 – Thursday

  1. Next Washoe Patriots meeting is this coming Saturday, Dec 11th at the Lucky Lane Clubhouse located at 3650 Boynton Lane, pls park on Boynton, 5pm Saturday evening, bring a friend or family member, I have a lot to go over.
  2. Today the transmission in my 17 year old Honda Accord EX went out stranding me in Sparks. Prayers were answered and picking up a 2011 Nissan Altima Friday night.
  3. Update on our Order: Everything is still stuck in New Delhi. Conferred with the company and they said this has become an issue recently but assures us the product will get here. One of our WP guys said a similar order took 5 weeks to get, we are just into week 3 so please be patient.
  4. I was trespassed by the rent a cops at St. Mary Regional Hospital today with threats of arrest if I come back on their property. No citation or paperwork, in total violation of my U.S. Constitutional rights and the Gov Directive which they would have no part of and confused being a “private” company with also being a “public” accommodation.
  5. Getting close to filing my “failure of redress” affidavit against the WC Board of County Commissioners (BCC).
  6. Tuesday Dec. 14th is MONUMENTAL, the BCC has an agenda item 42 that is to discuss and hopefully vote on removing the State of Emergency from Washoe County so we need EVERYONE to come to that meeting and voice support for it.
  7. The Washoe Republicans are holding a townhall meeting Tuesday Dec 14th in the evening to get to know the people running for the party Chair and Vice Chair. Please show up and be very inquisitive of the candidates you have concerns about.

November 30, 2021 – Tuesday

  1. Next Washoe Patriots meeting is this coming Saturday, Dec 4th at the Lucky Lane Clubhouse, 5pm Saturday evening, bring a friend or family member, I have a lot to go over.
  2. Update on our Order: 2 separate shipments are on their way. I’ve been tracking the 2 shipments I’m expecting in this week.
  3. GREAT NEWS! – I’ve become part of a worldwide control group reporting each month on my health status while not being vaccinated. My official card will be here any day now. You too can be part of this Vax Control Group and obtain a card indicating your participation and that you MUST NOT BE VACCINATED otherwise it will void the study. It’s 10 British Pounds to sign up and 6 Pounds every 3 months which equates to just about $8 USD.
  4. I now have been helping people that have contracted COVID by getting them Chlorine Dioxide and the protocols from Dr. Andreas Kalcker. ClO2 has eradicated C19 in Ecuador, Bolivia, and Columbia!
    It’s been having tremendous success. So if you know anyone who thinks they “might” have C19 or even if they “think” that it’s just a cold or flu, that’s what most I’ve talked to thought in the beginning, that’s what I thought in the beginning. Attacking this early, hard and quickly is the key. Expect it to be COVID, that way even if it’s just a cold you’ll get over it very fast and it won’t have a chance to turn bad for them. I have Chlorine Dioxide 3000 ppm available and can make it quickly and have all the components to do so. One 400 ml bottle at 3,000 ppm will make 40 liters of CDS diluted to 30 ppm and can be used very effectively. Call me if you need help. 775.237.3447
  5. Have received the 2nd Notice and Attachment that I’m reviewing and will make available soon.
  6. I’m getting close to filing Affidavits of Maladministration against the County Commissioners for a lack of redress of my grievances according to my 1st Amendment Rights which is a criminal offense.
  7. My apologies for the way the Washoe Republican meeting turned out last night Nov 30th. An unnecessary motion by Cindy Martinez to have 10 people removed without giving them ample notice nor indicating which of the 4 reasons for cause they were being removed for which turned completely chaotic. Many left early and I don’t blame them but we need everyone to stay the course and stick with this while we are navigating these rough waters.
    The Chair initially refused to let me speak during the “public” comment, so I was given 1 minute to make my case and explain why Bruce and Cindy have NO business running this organization which erupted in to people accusing me of things that NEVER happened. I’ll be making a video explaining my side of the story about how I ended up running Washoe Patriots.
  8. Bruce Parks and Cindy Martinez are running for Chair and Vice Chair. In my opinion, this would be a complete disaster for the Washoe Republican Central Committee. Cindy has proven her unworthiness by attempting to remove 10 people without just cause and Bruce and I are still at odds, so much so that at last night’s meeting, he told me to dissolve the Washoe Patriots group to get my credibility back. Even if I did, which I won’t, it wouldn’t restore my credibility with the leadership but we would have an even less effective number of people working to reclaim our freedoms. I am asking all WP people that are members of the WRCC to attend the townhall meeting to confront both Bruce and Cindy about their inability to be effective leaders. Contact me for the plan – 775.237.3447

November 18, 2021 – Thursday

To read this post, scroll down to October 29, 2021 post item 3.


I have a place to share Thanksgiving with friends, thanks for all the offers.

No meeting this Saturday November 20, 2021, we will have our next meeting back at the Lucky Lane Clubhouse the first Saturday of December, 12/4 and 12/11 5pm – 7pm

November 8, 2021 – Monday

  1. Washoe Patriots MEETING Nov 13 Saturday Glory Cloud Coffee
    I’ve located a place for us to meet, a quaint coffee and tea shop and producer of all kinds of coffee blends called Glory Cloud Coffee.
    When: Saturday Nov 13, 2021
    Time: 5 pm to 7 pm
    Where: Glory Cloud Coffee, 10 Greg St Unit 122, go north on Stanford Way use second left into parking lot, park where ever you can
    What: Washoe Patriots meeting, can seat about 25 and 10-15 more standing room
    Updates on big order, Mandamus of Writ filing, new liability card, and much more.
    Plan to buy a cup of coffee or tea to help support this patriotic establishment and cover the cost of the use of their facility!
  2. Have over $2,500 for IVM which I had expected to place on Thursday only to find out that neither of the banks I deal with can do Int’l bank wires. One not at all and the other located in Wichita, Ks wants me to come into a “local” branch which can’t happen. Today (Monday) I’ve located a Reno bank to deal with and have a mtg to open the acct tomorrow. Waiting for the reply from the company for the order on how much and what price. Check the CMI app for updates.
  3. It’s coming up on Thanksgiving again already. I have lived here in Reno now 2 1/2 years with no family locally. Last year was locked down and I couldn’t even volunteer to help serve others like I’ve done in the past. I’m looking for a place to have fellowship and dinner this Thanksgiving so if you wouldn’t mind some company I’d be honored to join someone. I have a new local Google Voice number you can call or text me at 775.237.3447

October 29, 2021

1) Call to action – Monica Jaye of 99.1fm, our primary conservative radio talk show voice for Northern Nevada has been fired. I’ve been on her show many times and she has helped spread the message of America First, Freedom, and Patriots here in our area.
Monday November 1st, from 10am-12pm, a protest rally at the studios located at 1755 E Plumb, anyone who can make it for any or all of this protest please try to make it to show her our unwavering support.

2) Get your order in for Ivermectin asap. We will be ordering IVM from India on Wednesday. My understanding is 400 6mg pills for $300 plus wire transfer fees and shipping, expect it to be $1.00 per pill. You can order as little or as much as you like so you don’t have to have a full order to get some. So I can keep track of who and how much, please use the Count Me In app by entering your first name and first 3 of your last name, once you’ve been added, enter your phone number (cell phone) and in the email field enter the dollar amount you’ll be sending to my Cap 1 bank account via Zelle (use my phone number on the app) or get me cash as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, text me at our WP messaging number: 775.245.4404

3) It’s not your eyes, it’s mumbo jumbo posting that needs help decyphering, copy that text and go here to see what it translates to: Click Here

October 21, 2021

The 160 character limitation in my text message service just isn’t enough for all that is going on. So I’ve created this page to give you enough detail to help you get activated on the issues that mean the most to you and the calls to action needed.

1) NO Washoe Patriots meeting THIS weekend (Oct 23rd) as we don’t have a place to meet, so if you can help with a place to meet that would be terrific.

2) #cantcensorthesidewalk campaign and 2nd Amendment sanctuary county petition Saturday 3:30pm – 5:00pm at the Gun Show at the Convention Center. Meet at the Burlington parking lot, look for the green Honda with the American flag and we’ll walk over to the Convention Center, we are NOT protesting the gun show but using it to promote FREEDOM.

3) There is now a lawsuit at the Nevada Supreme court for anyone free of charge that wants to file an Affidavit of damages from the gov mandates, I’ll send a text message with the link to documents for that. This is a real opportunity to hammer this dictator’s illegal and unconstitutional mandates and state of emergency.

4) Monday Oct 25th 4:00 pm is BOE Trustee Jeff Church’s censuring meeting that the BOE is trying to censure the only truly conservative voice on the board. We need hundreds of Patriots to show up to this meeting – 425 E. 9th St

5) Tuesday Oct 26th 6:30pm at The Atlantis is the Washoe County Republican Central Committee (CC) meeting. If you have not yet put in a nomination form to be on the CC, please do so asap – Online form and get it to the Office by end of day Friday Oct 22nd or at the VERY latest Monday Oct 25th by NOON.

6) I have a new postcard developed to recruit Precinct Committeemen and get people on the Central Committee. Getting on the Central Committee is vital to ensuring good patriot candidates get a chance to get elected to replace the RINO’s. If you want to help organize people to walk neighborhoods and business parking lots to drop these cards, text me (Nicholas) directly at 316.461.4298 with your name and the words “pc recruiting”

Postcard in work and looking for feedback