This page will be a list of meetings/events we can attend for the Washoe Patriots organization for updates and training and equally or maybe even MORE important is a list of City, County, State, Health Department and Board of Education meetings to attend and give public comment.

< Upcoming Events

***** Washoe Patriots MEETING *****
When: Saturday Mar. 5th, 2022 – 5pm – 7pm
Location: 4050 S McCarran, southeast of the Reno Airport.
Bring everyone you know, now is not the time to let up, we are starting to apply pressure to those we’ve elected that are serving themselves but not us.

Washoe Patriots

“Takin’ It To The Streets ..”


7/21/21 – Annie Black on Gov Sisolak’s mask mandate re-instated on 7/30/21

“Reinstituting the mask mandate is designed to pressure those who choose not to get the jab.  Vax-hesitant Nevadans will be blamed and shamed when Gov. Sisolak drops the hammer and locks us down again.

The only way this nonsensical nightmare is going to end is if…

  • Nevada citizens exercise a little civil disobedience and refuse to comply
  • Nevada businesses refuse to enforce the mask mandates or vaccine passports
  • Nevada law enforcement officials refuse to act as “mask police”
  • Nevada Republican elected officials find their backbones and start speaking out LOUDLY against Sissypants ‘politically-motivated power-trip
  • Nevada media outlets stop treating Sissypants with kid gloves and giving him a free pass
  • Nevada voters vote this tyrant out of office in November 2022

It’s time for the government to stop treating us like children and let adult citizens, in what was once the freest country in the world, make our own decisions”. 


March 5th – Coach’s #2 Grill & Sports Bar, 4050 S McCarran Blvd southeast of the Reno Airport

This was our second meeting at Coach’s #2, you can order beer and food and there’s enough room for well over 50 people so bring family and friends.

Go to and get in the game.
