The Washoe Patriots group is about reclaiming our freedoms, one of those freedoms under significant attack is the freedom to choose how and by who you want to be treated when you become ill or sick.
Our Alt1 PHA was officially organized on January 28, 2022. This gives us the ability to work within the parameters set forth for the association to work with members who want to explore alternative therapeutics for treatments of C0V1D and other illnesses and diseases.
You MUST become a member in order to receive advice, consultations, supplements, minerals, and therapeutics such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Amoxicillin antibiotics, mega dosing Vitamin C, Chlorine Dioxide Solution and Hydrocortisone steroids.
We are buying many supplements, vitamins, and minerals in bulk and breaking them down into manageable amounts which you can purchase from the Association from the list and prices below.
We’ve already been able to help many people who have had the Omicron C19 variant and a few with the Delta variant, some with pretty severe situations.
If you are not familiar with Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS), remember back when the Lame Stream Media was accusing President Trump of telling people to drink bleach, that reference was to CDS. Dr. Andreas Kalcker is a biophysicist who developed the protocols to use CDS to treat SARS-CoV2 in Ecuador, Bolivia and Columbia. You can tell he’s on the right track as he has been banned from every major social media platform there is, come under attack as a whack job and attempts to discredit him occur almost daily. Before he brought CDS into Ecuador they were experiencing about 100 deaths a day. Now Ecuador, Bolivia, and Columbia are virtually SARS-CoV2 free. It is extremely effective and is gaining much momentum since the COVID nonsense because it can’t be regulated because it’s nothing more than a drinking water purification system at low dosages. Most municipalities use CDS to purify the city’s water supply and has been used for well over 30 years as proven safe and effective.
We’ve used it effectively against C19 but finding it’s also effective against MS, Cancer, common colds and the flu. It DOES NOT cure anything, what it does is neutralize toxins in the body so the body, by God’s design, can heal itself. I have obtained the Sodium Chlorite flakes and the Hydrochloric Acid to make CDS and am stockpiling it. It will be available at all of our meetings or I can ship it anywhere in the US as I have new very sturdy bottles, labels, and shipping boxes. Everyone should have a bottle of this if for nothing else to do the Protocol H where you put about 10-15 ml CDS full strength in a small glass like a shot glass and let it fill the room with Chlorine Dioxide which sanitizes surfaces, breaks down toxins in the air such as viruses, germs, etc. and increases your oxygen levels.
What we have available and pricing:
- Ivermectin: $15.00/6mg tablet 10 pack (Get on the Wait list)