US Senate
Jim Marchant – experience in the state legislature, proven commitment to election integrity and I believe he will stand firm on the issues effecting the state of Nevada
Bill Conrad – also has experience in politics and has success in leadership in the military, will also stand firm on the issues effecting Nevadans.
Sam Brown – while a good man and served in the military, he is the “establishments” pick in DC which should give anyone pause for consideration.

US Representative Congressional District 2
Fred Simon – Fred has a lifetime of caring about and for people and it’s time to replace the existing sorry excuse of a US Representative.

State Senate District 15
Sharron Angle – has tremendous experience having served on school boards and in the NV Assembly. She ran against and almost beat Harry Reid for US Senate in 2010. She’s running a great campaign and I believe she has the best chance of defeating the extreme liberal former WCSD President who ruined our schools and now wants to ruin our state.

State Assembly District 32
Alexis Hansen – although she is an incumbent, she has proven herself to be a true conservative and has served her district well.

State Assembly District 40
Drew Ribar – running against the incumbent, Drew has been fighting for our 1st Amendment rights much to his own detriment. His YT channel is Audit Reno 911

County Commission District 1
Marsha Berkbigler – Was cheated out of her seat when Queen Tyrant Hill was (s)elected (see our Reasonable Doubt Report on the home page) as the District 1 Commissioner. We MUST defeat QT Hill in November and I believe Marsha has the best chance of doing that.

County Commission District 4
Tracey Hilton-Thomas – retired from working for the county with experience in the Registrar of Voters office and will represent the people of District 4 unlike the currently appointed incumbent(?) who has voted with the 2 liberals on the BCC better than 80% of the time and doesn’t listen to the people.
Mark Lawson – has extensive background in firefighting and law enforcement with safety of the people here in Washoe County his main priority.
Clara Andriola – has been seated without a bond for more than a year, votes with the liberals better than 80% of the time, has been disavowed by the Washoe Republican Party and we must defeat her in the primary.

State Board of Education District 2
Matthew Buehler – has extensive background in Education and would be a very nice addition to the state BOE where he can help shape conservative policies that go to the legislature.

Regent (UNR) District 9
Brett Delaire – don’t know him personally but is recommended by a patriot I’ve come to trust.

School Board Trustee District A
Jeff Church – Jeff has been the lone truly conservative voice on the WCSD for the past 4 years and deserves another 4 years where hopefully we can get a couple more conservatives elected to change the direction of a disastrous county school system.

School Board Trustee District D
Victoria Myer – Victoria has been very active in trying to get moved the pornographic materials our school libraries have available to young children. She is in a race against the incumbent and disastrous President of the WCSD. Victoria has been working very hard to get elected and would be a terrific Trustee for both the parents, grand parents and the children of Washoe County.

School Board Trustee District E
Bev Stenejhem – I’ve personally known and worked with Bev for over 2 years. Her work in the Republican Women of Reno’s club helped to build the club. She is hard working, conservative in her principles and committed to get our schools system back to educating our children instead of indoctrinating them.

School Board Trustee at-Large District G
Paul White – Paul has probably more experience from working in the Los Angeles at all levels, turning schools around and teaching kids what they need, not what the “educators” want, than all the other Trustees combined. He has done it before and he’s willing to get in the fight again to turn our schools around.
Alicia Woo – former school teacher of 17 years, keenly aware of the problems, has high moral, ethical and conservative standards we desperately need on the WCSD.

Reno City Council Ward 1
Arturo Rangel – although young and inexperienced, having younger people on the City Council would be a step in the right direction.
Jessica Glover – having overcome being sex trafficked and homeless for 2 years, Jessica would bring to the council a compassion for the problems we are facing as a City.

Reno City Council Ward 3
Denise Myer – after losing in the District 3 county commission race in 2022, Denise still believes she can make a difference in serving the people of Reno. Denise has a solid conservative foundation which should help bring Reno back to a non-woke agenda and back to serving the people rather than the other way around.

Reno City Council Ward 6 – this is a brand newly created Ward
Tom Heck – Tom ran for Governor but was out gunned up against Lombardo, Heller and Joey Gilbert. Still wanting to make a difference, Tom has decided to run in this brand new ward for the city of Reno.
Roy Stoltzner – a true conservative who has made every effort to be at every debate and forum so people can get to know who he is and where he stands on the issues.

Sparks City Council Ward 1
Christine (Chris) Garvey – Chris ran for Mayor of Sparks in 2022 and lost by only a handful of votes. Chris has been very active in campaigning and I believe she would be a great asset to the City of Sparks.

Sparks City Council Ward 3
Paul Anderson – although Paul is the incumbent, he did come to the debates and proved to be a worthy candidate and will do his best to represent the people of Ward 3.

Sparks City Council Ward 5
Billy Hurt – Billy is a true patriot that is involved because he genuinely cares about the city of Sparks and the people who live there. He’s willing to take on the hard issues, do the necessary research to fully understand and help lead, guide and direct the City of Sparks to good, solid, conservative solutions, not the typical “let’s just throw more money at the problem” that has plagued both Sparks and Reno for decades.

Justices of the Peace
Unless you personally can vouch for one of them running, most run unopposed which is a sad statement about our court system, I’d just leave it blank because “None of the Above” isn’t an option.
