I’ve been here since March 2019, now observed 3 election cycles and try to identify problems and then attempt to create solutions. God’s gift as a talent to me is being able to assess situations and see things most others do not see, sometimes years in advance.

After much involvement in the past 2 elections, it’s become clear to me that we have much talent, passion and desire but lack someone akin to the conductor of a symphony. Just putting all the talented strings, horns and percussion on stage does not get you good results without a conductor. What you have is what we’ve now had for the past 3 elections, chaos, duplication, back biting, disunity, and working against each other in spite of what’s at stake.

The 2026 midterms present a unique opportunity to significantly make a difference in state legislature, but we must work synergistically and harmoniously.

It’s time we live what we say we believe:

  • Our organizations are Transparent
  • We are Accountable
  • We act like grownups, not 12-year-old spoiled brats
  • We commit to resolving our differences and find common ground instead of causing division and undermining our cause to get good conservative candidates elected
    • First, we go to each other and try to work it out quietly
    • Second, if first doesn’t work, the 2 parties bring it to 2 or 3 and mediate the situation to an amicable agreement

It’s time to step up and form a coalition and have a conductor to help orchestrate all the moving parts necessary to WIN an election, Making Washoe Great Again! Not exactly MAGA lol, MWGA, how do you even say that?

As I’ve started talking with leaders, it seems this is resonating with them so I’m moving ahead.

The first thing to do is establish who sees the need for this and comes onboard. Communication is key so I’ve set up a text message page to sign up on so you will be “kept in the loop” about what everyone else that’s a part of this is doing so we can encourage them, help, support and broaden our base of active people. Sign up on the text message page HERE.

The organizations identified so far are:

  • Republican Women of Reno
  • Turning Point Action
  • Faith Coalition
  • Community Impact
  • AFP
  • Libre’
  • Precinct Captains
  • * Washoe Patriots
  • Nevada Families/Eagle Forum
  • * Real Choices
  • Nevada Right to Life
  • Conservative Talk Lunch
  • Churches
    • RS Calvary Chapel
    • Convo
    • Spirit Filled
    • UFF
    • Living Waters
    • The River
    • Outlook
    • Horizon
    • Grace
    • Summit
    • RCF
    • Victory Christian
    • Crosswinds
    • Potter’s House
    • Life Church
    • Living Stones
  • * Indicates onboard.

If you know of other organizations that should be included, let Nicholas know at 775.772.6467
If you have connections with any of these organizations, please help us get in contact with them to get them onboard.