Be prepared regardless of whatever “gain of function” VIRUS fear porn is sent our way!

This is Nicholas St Jon, Director of Alt1, bringing you what we believe to be the most thorough kit to prepare you to treat yourself and your loved ones regardless of which gain-of-function virus the Elites are planning to unleash on the unsuspecting and unprepared population of the United States of America.

So you can rest assured that this kit has everything you need to fight off such a bioweapon, here is a bit of my background.

In 2008, when the “Swine Flu” hit, something didn’t sound quite right. So I started investigating the gnome sequences of the various parts to the current strain of the Swine Flu. After tracking it to the UK, then to China, 2 variations in China, back to the UK for a bird flu component, then miraculously back to the US and mysteriously showing up in a pig that contaminated a boy in south central Mexico, I came to the conclusion it had been engineered.

After a good friend’s neighbor’s 19 year old daughter caught the Swine Flu and died just 21 days later, I decided there had to be a better way to fight viral infections than to simply wait for the powers to be developed a vaccine.

That research led me to Drs. Frederick Klenner MD & Linus Pauling PhD. Along with discovering hundreds of ways to strengthen our immune system to fight off viral infections.

This kit is the result of 16 years of research, studying, reading hundreds of papers, writing 4 books including the latest “The Immunity Crisis in America” (self published), doing over 150 TV shows in Wichita, Kansas, speaking engagements in dozens of venues and hosting “The Health Cure Show” on Voice of America internet radio.

Unlike most other “kits” out there, this one is specifically targeted to combat the worst of the viral infections, including ebola, marburg and covid.

Colloidal Silver: 2 400 ml bottles ~50 ppm

Chlorine Dioxide Solutions: 1 400 ml bottle ~3000 ppm
1 10 cc syringe for measuring CDS

Vitamin C/Sodium Ascorbate: 250,000 mg crystalline powder
1 enema bulb for administering into the colon

Vitamin D3/K2: 30 10,000 IU tablets

Sambucol/Equate Cold & Flu relief: 15 homeopathic tablets, developed to fight bird flu in 1999 by an Israeli virologist

Pain relievers: 25 tablets each –
Aspirin 325, Tylenol 500 (Acetaminaphen), Ibuprophen 500
Antibiotics: 10 tablet of each –
Amoxicillin 500; Ciprofloxicin 500, & Azithromycin 500

Colloidal Silver (CS): 2 400 ml bottles ~50 ppm
I’ve been using and making Colloidal Silver since 1998 when I witnessed my roommate getting what many would deem miraculous results.
At the turn of the 20th century, Colloidal Silver was the primary way of treating many viruses, bacteria, germs, fungi, skin conditions, etc. It’s downfall and being relegated to a status of being dangerous came when Penicillin was discovered. Follow the $$$. There is much profit in antibiotics vs. the few dollars made in using Colloidal Silver.<br /><br />

When a family that knew of my alternative health background contacted me in the very early days of covid saying they were very sick and couldn’t shake what we later learned had all the symptoms of covid, I brought them the only thing I knew, Colloidal Silver. 3 days later, they called to say everyone was well and they wanted more.<br /><br />

It has become the bane of Big Pharma so much that they’ve even gotten a few states to ban selling it even in health food stores.<br /><br />

How to use CS: <br />
When sick; Take about 10-15 ml (an average mouthful), slowly swish it around in your mouth to let it absorb through the cheeks and gums for about 10-15 seconds, then swallow it. This can be repeated every hour if you want.<br />
For prevention/prophylacticly; Same 10-15 ml at night before bedtime<br /><br />

Chlorine Dioxide Solutions (CDS): 1 400 ml bottle ~3000 ppm
1 10 cc syringe for measuring CDS
Dr. Andreas Kalcker used protocol C in treating covid patients in Bolivia early on in the covid plandemic. If you’ll remember the lamestream media hammering President Trump for telling people to drink bleach, he was referring to Chlorine Dioxide Solution which is chemically no wheres near bleach (sodium hypochlorite) which is poisonous to humans when ingested.
The use of CDS completely eradicated covid in Bolivia, Columbia and Ecuador only using CDS as they did not have Ivermectin or Hydroxychloriquine.<br /><br />

How to use CDS:<br />

When sick; We recommend using modified protocol F. This is the least disruptive protocol to get the most CDS into the body quickly.
The following are instructions to gradually increase till at 8 ml per day.
As a general rule, DON’T eat or drink anything but water for 2 hours before and 2 hours after taking CDS.
Using the 10 ml syringe, start by putting 4 ml into ½ cup of water, drink it all down. Wait 30-60 minutes and repeat with 4 ml into ½ cup of water again.
The next day increase the 1st round to 5 ml and decrease 2nd round to 3 ml.
Increasing each day by 1 ml 1st round and decreasing 2nd round by 1 ml till you’ve reached 8 ml in the 1st round and you’ll do no more 2nd rounds.

The 3 Rules:
1) if no improvement within 3 days, increase the amount of CDS
2) if improvement, stay at that current level
3) if feeling worse, cut the amount in ½ but stay the course till you start improving.

The 3 H’s:
Herxheimer’s Reaction
Healing Crisis
Homeopathic Aggravation

Vitamin C/Sodium Ascorbate: 250,000 mg crystalline powder
1 enema bulb for administering into the colon

Dr. Klenner was a hometown physician in Reidsville, North Carolina in the 30’s through the 70’s who pioneered the use of “High Dose” Vitamin C.
Dr. Klenner treated and thoroughly documented thousands of cases including 60 polio cases in the 1948-49 polio pandemic. Using High Dose vitamin C, orally, intramuscular (a 10,000 mg shot to the glutes) or Intravenously directly into the vein. He documented the complete curing of ALL 60 cases of polio, a disease to this day the CDC claims there is no cure for.

When I was sick in September 2021 with a bacterial infection and the Mu Covid variant, I did a 25,000 mg enema push directly into the colon which is what probably kept me alive after the ER Dr. sent me home to die, followed by 100,000 mg over 2 days of Vitamin C IVs, 11,000 ml monoclonal infusions and 2 4-pass blood ozone enrichment therapies.

Vitamin D3/K2: 30 10,000 IU tablets
It’s a well known fact that when people start spending less time outdoors in the sunlight, they become more susceptible to viral infections such as the Rhino virus (common cold) and the various Influenza (flu a or b) viruses.

When sick:
Start taking immediately at the first sign of a viral infection. Take 2 10,000 IU tablets a day for the first 3-4 days, then 1 10,000 IU tablets a day till cleared of the illness. There is enough in this kit for 27 days.

Note: Some may warn you of Vitamin D toxicity, while it is a possibility, proponents of high dose Vitamin D3/K2 have their patients on 100,000 IU a week without toxic effects for just a few weeks.

Sambucol/Equate Cold & Flu relief: 15 homeopathic tablets, developed to fight bird flu in 1999 by an Israeli virologist
This is one of the crown jewels I discovered that has paid dividends in spades. While it was developed for the very threat we’re being scared towards, it has proven to be very effective against the common cold (Rhino virus) and both flus (Influenza A & B) plus many of the C0V1D strains. Watch the video I made back in 2010 comparing Sambucol and the prescribed antiviral Tamiflu®. 2 studies showed Sambucol to be 5x’s more effective than Tamiflu® at a fraction of the cost.

Pain relievers: 25 tablets each –
Aspirin 325, Tylenol 500 (Acetaminaphen), Ibuprophen 500
These are included because sometimes we just need some kind of pain reliever. Please do not use these to REDUCE a fever, increasing the body’s temperature is God’s way of attacking viruses and bacteria as they have a narrow range of optimal temperature to thrive in. The allopathic medical industry would have you believe that a temperature is what kills you, IT DOES NOT. What kills a person is the pathogen that the fever is trying to destroy. Back in 1981 I had a fever of 106 for 2 days and it did it’s job as I fully recovered AND without any lasting effects we’ve been lied to about having.

Use these only if you are having trouble getting rest, the rest you’ll need to recover.

Antibiotics: 10 tablet of each –
Amoxicillin 500, Ciprofloxicin 500, & Azithromycin 500
These are included because when your body is fighting a major viral infection, your defenses are weakened and more susceptible to bacterial infections. They should NOT be used to fight a viral infection as they are COMPLETELY worthless against viruses and can actually have an adverse effect and further weaken your immune system to fight the virus. If using Vitamin C, D3/K2, Sambucol and Chlorine Dioxide Solution for 3-5 days and seeing NO results, then there is a good chance you ALSO have a bacterial infection and should start using one of the below antibiotics. If you started with either Amoxicillin or Cipro and still not starting to feel better after 3 days, stop taking that particular antibiotic and move up to the next power antibiotic. A standard treatment with antibiotics is for a full 10 days. DO NOT STOP taking it just because you’re feeling better. Many times the bacterial infection is simply under control but hasn’t been eradicated and will come back with a vengeance and then you won’t have a full compliment of antibiotics to fully stop the infection.

Amoxicillin 500: This is the least powerful of the 3 included antibiotics.
Ciprofloxicin 500: Cipro became famous in 2001 when people had been exposed to the Anthrax bacteria.
Azithromycin 500: This is the most powerful of the 3. While it’s not the most powerful antibiotic on the market, it’s certainly a quite powerful antibiotic and should give you some relief.

This page is a work in progress. As I get more and better information I'll update this page with it.