Sunday January 3, 2021 at 3 pm the first organized meeting to form a collaborative effort to consolidate resources, cut down on duplicated efforts and to get communications established both for patriots and businesses.

Melanie S, Mark C and Nicholas S spoke about efforts they had been doing and the desire to see us all work together. All three had been out approaching businesses mostly by themselves with limited success and felt it would be better to form and organize teams as a safer and more efficient way to reach them.

Attorney Joey Gilbert also attended this meeting bringing a ton of extremely valuable information and was very supportive of an organized effort to get not just Washoe County opened back up but to help other counties do the same. We learned that Joey’s team has successfully gotten White Pine county fully opened without any restrictions. Great job Joey!

Educational packets were handed out to most of the approximately 30 people who attended on how to reach out and teach businesses how to reopen.

One patriot in attendance is a school teacher and the information she shared about the tragedy developing in kids still “trying” to attend public schools was very disheartening. We appreciate her coming out and helping the rest of us understand her dilemma.

Overall, everyone was encouraged by the turnout and the decision to form an organization that can establish itself as a force to be reckoned with. Getting organized, setting up several communications systems, and how we can support each other moving forward.

Our next face-to-face meeting will be January 16th at 1 pm. Due to some threats, we have changed this meeting to a Phone Conference call. Feel free to join us at 602.580.9328 Access code: 5374837

Please spread the word about this new organization, send them to this website and have them sign up for the various types of communications.

It started with 30, let’s turn it into thousands and be a model for counties across America as Washoe Patriots blazes the trail and pioneers a grassroots effort to take back their county.

God bless you, God bless Washoe County, and God bless America!


Comments (5)

  1. Kyle a garcia


    We must all join together to call on our Sheriff to not comply with any of the governor’s unconstitutional mandates. We should be picketing and protesting at the Carson City sheriff’s office. He has the authority to arrest the governor. We can take our state back if we get Sheriffs that have courage to uphold their Duty in the face of a tyrannical state.

    • Victoria


      Kyle, I totally agree. Post the phone number to the Carson Sheriff’s office and lead the charge. Take this issue and gather the support, fine tune the message, let’s get going on this! Great idea.

  2. Anne Stenehjem


    I just found your group. I live in the Bay Area and we are trying to do the same thing here. Our first priority is to recall our governor. I was looking through your information on the website and thought I saw something about private businesses not being allowed to turn away customers based on non-mask wearing but I cannot find the page anymore. Can someone help me?

  3. Stanley


    I heard about your affidavit tactic on the radio today. It was followed by a lady who seems to know the law and she says that an affidavit shouldn’t stand alone but be accompanied by a notice and demand backed up by an affidavit.

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